How To Get Started With The PNC Bank Routing Number
As a US citizen with a PNC bank account, carrying out electronic bank transactions will require you to use the PNC bank routing number but some persons seem to find it difficult to find their routing number.
If you do operate the PNC bank account, I’ll be sharing with you how to find your PNC routing number easily without wasting much of your time. Please, I advise you to keep reading to learn more about this!
What is PNC Bank Routing Number?
The PNC bank routing number is the 9 digits code use for carrying out domestic and international wire transfers. It identifies your PNC financial institution and this code differ depending on where you opened your account and the type of transaction you make.
Those in the United States seem to get more understanding of the usefulness of routing numbers regarding banks in the U.S.
As large national banks that operate in multiple states and across, PNC bank has multiple routing numbers sorted by state. Each state may have distinct routing numbers, as well as several routing numbers inside a single state.
It’s a good idea to check your start’s routing number at your PNC bank branch on a regular basis, especially if you’ve been told of a bank merger.
NOTE that PNC Routing numbers can also be referred to as banking routing numbers, routing transit numbers, RTNs, and ABA numbers.

PNC routing numbers for wire transfers
Here’s your PNC routing number 043000096 for both domestic and international wire transfers. Also note that if you’re sending an international wire transfer, you’ll need the PNC Swift code. Here’s your PNC SWIFT Code: PNCCUS33.
See the table below for a more descriptive understanding.
Type of wire transfer | PNC routing number | PNC SWIFT Code |
PNC Bank Domestic Wire Transfer | 043000096 | PNCCUS33 |
International Wire Transfer to PNC bank account in the USA | 043000096 | PNCCUS33 |
Contained in the table are the right PNC bank account routing numbers for wire transfers alongside PNC SWIFT Code.
Uses of PNC routing number
The PNC banking routing numbers are used for all sorts of financial transactions, hence, you might need one if you ever wanted to do any of the following.
The following are the uses of the PNC routing transit numbers:
- To set up a direct deposit with your PNC account.
- Pay bills automatically from your PNC account.
- Receives payments such as salary or pension deposited into your account on PNC bank.
- To pay in a check.
- Making a wire transfer.
- And also make ACH payment to someone in the US and lots more.
How To Find PNC Routing Number
If you’re searching for how to get your PNC routing number, there are several ways to find your PNC routing number easily.
Here you’ll find PNC routing numbers for the following:
- PNC checking and savings account routing number.
- PNC ACH payments routing number.
- The PNC Wire transfers routing number.
How to find routing number with the PNC online banking
For deposit accounts, checking and savings, you can use the following steps below to get your PNC routing number.
- Sign on to the PNC online banking account.
- Select your PNC account.
- For the Virtual Wallet PNC bank accounts, go to Account Activity and select “Go to the Account and Routing Number” link.
- While for all other checking and savings accounts with PNC bank, select the “Show Account and Routing Number” link.
- Now, verify your identity by entering a one-time passcode
- Follow the instructions for viewing your full account number and the PNC routing number.
Get your PNC bank routing number with SmartAccess and Prepaid Visa Card
Here’s how to get your PNC bank routing number using SmartAccess and Prepaid Visa Card:
- Also, sign on to the PNC online banking.
- Now, select your SmartAccess Card, then the “Sign On to SmartAccess” link.
- Once signed in, you can find your PNC routing numbers on the account summary page alongside direct deposit information.
Find your routing number with PNC Mobile app
For all deposit accounts, checking and savings, you can get your PNC routing using the PNC mobile banking app. To get started, follow the steps below:
- Sign on to your PNC Mobile app with the correct USER ID and PASSWORD.
- Now, select your PNC account, then go to Account Actions and select Account and Routing Numbers.
- Next, verify your identity by entering a one-time passcode to view your full account number and routing number.
How to find PNC routing number on Paper Checks
Your PNC bank routing number and the account number can be found at the bottom of your PNC checks. Note that the first 9 digits code number is your PNC routing number, the second is your unique PNC account number and the third is the checks number.
Other Where to find a PNC routing number Are:
- In this our page: If you’re reading this right now, we’ve listed the PNC routing number for the PNC checking and savings account here also.
- Fedwire: You also can look up for your PNC bank routing number on the official website of the Federal Reserve.
List of all PNC Routing Numbers by State
Contained here is the complete list of all PNC bank routing numbers for checking and savings account sorted by state.
So, if you’re looking for your state routing number for PNC bank, you’ll have to pay attention to the table below:
State | PNC routing number |
PNC Alabama | 043000096 |
PNC Delaware | 031100089 |
PNC Washington DC | 054000030 |
PNC Florida | 267084199 |
PNC Georgia | 053100850/ 061192630 |
PNC Illinois | 071921891 |
PNC Indiana | 043000096 |
PNC Kentucky | 083000108 |
PNC Maryland | 054000030 |
PNC Michigan | 041000124 |
PNC Missouri | 071921891 |
PNC New Jersey | 031207607 |
PNC North Carolina | 043000096 |
PNC Ohio | 042000398/ 041000124 |
PNC Pennsylvania – Pittsburgh | 043000096 |
PNC South Carolina | 53100850 |
PNC Virginia | 054000030 |
PNC West Virginia | 271971560 |
PNC Wisconsin | 071921891 |
The table above contains PNC routing numbers sorted by state and territories in the United State and across. Also, you’ll notice that some states share the same routing number.
Please note that not all routing numbers are available on PNC Bank’s official website, so if you don’t have instant access to your PNC bank routing number, or I didn’t get mention it on the table above, then you’ll have to either contact your local bank branch or call the PNC customer service at 800-762-9473 to confirm the state/region/territory routing number.
PNC Routing Number for Incoming Wire Transfers
Using PNC bank, the incoming wire transfers have a routing number that differs from the one on your PNC account.
However, you’ll need your PNC account number and the accompanying PNC Bank Routing Number 043000096 to set up an inbound wire transfer.
What is the PNC routing number for ACH transfers?
When sending an ACH transfer to any PNC bank account, you need the PNC ABA 9 digit numbers. Therefore, if you’re sending to an ACH transfer to any PNC bank account, you’ll need to supply the ACH routing number.
This number varies from state to state, to send a domestic ACH transfer.
Are all PNC routing numbers the same? If not, which PNC routing number should you use?
The PNC routing number you’re to use will depend on the transaction or state where you open the PNC account. You might need PNC RTNs to receive ACH transfers, and another to set up automated bill payments.
So the PNC routing numbers are different but depend on the states and types of transactions you’re performing.
A bank may have several routing numbers, but none of them are shared with other banks. This ensures that your payment reaches its intended destination.
I strongly believe that finding your full account and PNC routing numbers will never be a problem anymore because contained here are a few ways you can access your PNC bank account and routing numbers.
043000096 is the PNC Routing Number for both domestic and international wire transfers.
PNCCUS33 is the PNC SWIFT Code for both domestic and international wire transfers.
We look forward to hearing from you in the comment box below; if you do have any questions about the PNC bank routing number.