Notification To Covid 19 Loan Scammed Alert
In view of the Covid 19 load scammed alert, many fraudsters are now using this medium to defraud individuals there hard earn money with the so call covid 19 loan.
One of the biggest question now is how to avoid being scammed if apply for the Covid 19 loan application ongoing.
How to Avoid Being Scammed About Covid-19 Loan
To avoid being scammed after applying the covid 19 loan, instead of getting a useful result ends up being scammed.
I will share with you six method to avoid being scammed after applying your covid 19 loan application.
Note, if anyone has contacted you regarding paying money to secure the Covid-19 targeted credit facility (SME) or AGSMEIS loan, I urge you to follow these six (6) steps to stop them from defrauding your hard earn money.
covid-19 loan scammed alert step 1
You can call covid-19 laon official contact number 094621730 for confirmation immediately.
Covid 19 Loan Scammed Alert Step 2
Ensure you stop all contact with the person as soon as possible.
Covid-19 Loan Scammed Alert Step 3
You are advice not to delete any trail of communication with the scammer.
Covid 19 Loan Scammed Alert Step 4
Once you notice any scammer or scam alert, report such correspondence on Covid-19 loan whistleblowing portal via
Covid-19 Loan Scammed Alert Step 5
Always be mindful of a fake website, you’re to visit for the covid-19 loan application or any other loan features by government.
Covid 19 Loan Scammed Alert Step 6
Ensure to visit any NMFB branch closest to you in person as soon as you can to get an update regarding the covid 19 loan application process.
After applying for the Covid-19 loan, make you’ve the following closest your mind always to avoid being scammed.
Asked your questions about covid 19 scammed alerts using the comment box or via contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.