Electricity ReviewsPrepaid Meter

How To Purchase Ikeja Electric Token

Want to know how to purchase Ikeja electric token? You are on the right page. Here, we’re going to show you all the possible ways to purchase your Ikeja prepaid meter token either online or offline.

Ikeja electric distribution company that can be abbreviated as IKEDC is a Nigerian electric distribution company.

This company is in Ikeja the capital of Lagos state, Nigeria. The company has its own prepaid meter for residents of Lagos state. 

So to use this prepaid meter, you need to get your IKEDC token. The good thing is that this token can be generated offline or online from the comfort of your home.

This piece is put together to help you know the steps you need to achieve this.  So the steps are outlined below.

How To Purchase Ikeja Electric Token

How To Purchase Ikeja Electric Token

There are two (2) basic ways to purchase IKEDC prepaid meter tokens, they are as follows:

  • Using Ikeja smart meter card code
  • Recharging online by using a smart device (e.g. smartphones, Tablets or computers)

Let’s dive in on how to purchase IKEDC meter token!

Buy Ikeja Prepaid Meter Token Using Smart Meter Card Code

In generating Ikeja electric tokens using smart meter card code, the following steps are involved:

  • Go to any of the disco offices close to you with your Ikeja smart meter card.
  • Present it to them. (This card also contain your IKEDC meter number)
  • Request and pay for the unit you can afford
  • After the above, you would be given a slip containing a 20-digit code (which is your Ikeja prepaid meter token) alongside a receipt as proof of successful payment.
  • Now, go to where your IKEDC prepaid meter is been install and enter the token which is the 20 digit code, do this through the UIU Keyboard correctly and note on the LCD screen.
  • Once the token entered correctly, the screen will display “ACCEPT” which means that you have successfully recharged your Ikeja electric prepaid meter but if the screen displays “REJECT”, this means the code was not accepted probably due to error while typing-in the meter codes and the recharge FAILED.

Following the offline process, you can see that this process requires you to always visit the business hubs of the electricity distribution companies around you with your IKEDC meter card.

However, another ways to get your Ikeja prepaid meter token is to recharge online. Generating IKEDC prepaid meter token online is easier, faster and more convenient. See guide below:

Requirements for online purchase of your IKEDC Meter token

Since you will be buying online, you would need to have the following handy for a quick purchase

  • You need to have an internet-enabled device (your phone, laptop or PC)
  • Your Ikeja electric distribution company meter number ( check the body of your meter)
  • Your card details for payment ( ether visa or MasterCard)
  • Your valid email address

Purchase Ikeja Electric Token Online

With the online purchase of Ikeja electric token, you can always recharge your IKEDC prepaid meter online anytime and anywhere. You don’t even have to leave your house or current location because the platform allows you to pay your energy bill quickly and easily from wherever you are.

See steps on how to purchase Ikeja meter token online:

  • Using your internet–enabled device visit www.nepa.ng
  • You will see a display of different discos listed on the site. Go for Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company and click on it.  A form will appear then you fill in your meter number, email, phone number, and the actual electricity units you want to purchase. Then click on the submit button to submit
  • The next page will open up for you to review and confirm your order summary. You can go ahead to choose your mode of payment. Options available are bank transfer or credit card. You then enter your bank or card details correctly
  • You need to enter your payment details correctly, then the system will accept your details and get you to the last page. This last page is to show you that your order has been confirmed.
  • Your token will then be sent to your phone number and your email if you had provided both of them
  • You will have to complete the process by keying in the token into your Ikeja electricity distribution company prepaid meter. When you enter the token correctly into your IKEDC prepaid meter, your meter will be automatically credited. And you are done.

You can also use this site as well by completing your Ikeja electric prepaid meter application online details on www.map.ikejaelectric.com or you send an email to their customer service at customercare@ikeja.com. But for further information you can call the company here 0700-022-5543


So that is it for buying and getting your Ikeja electric distribution company token generated for you online and offline.

By using the online process, you wouldn’t need to transport yourself either to your bank to make payment or apply in the nearest discos outlet near you. You would just need to log online and fill your details and you are done.

So follow the above steps and apply for your Ikeja electric Distribution Company token today.

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